Wednesday 9 May 2018

Teenage girl writhes in agony on shop floor screaming "Help me, I'm burning" after she was sprayed with "acid" on London bus

Teenage girl writhes in agony on shop floor screaming "Help me, IThe horrific moment a teenage girl writhes in agony after she was sprayed with a noxious substance on a London bus was captured on CCTV. The 18-year-old girl is seen as she rushes into a food market stall in a shopping arcade and makes for the chiller cabinet, where she grabs a bottle of water and begins rinsing her mouth and face with it. She then collapses on the floor as shoppers watched in shock.Teenage girl writhes in agony on shop floor screaming "Help me, IThe girl stumbled into a stall belonging to Mohammed Raffiq in the Reliance Arcade after she was sprayed in the face with acid on a bus in Brixton, south London. Police believe she was deliberately targeted by her female attacker. Mohammed Raffiq told MailOnline how the teenage girl stumbled into his stall and screamed, "Help me, I'm burning" as she slumped to the floor by the chiller cabinet and tried to cool herself down. Mr Raffiq is seen on the CCTV video trying to help her as another bystander calls an ambulance.Teenage girl writhes in agony on shop floor screaming "Help me, IHe said: "She was screaming and clearly in a lot of pain. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and was squirting it into her mouth and on to her face. She said, 'Someone gave me acid! Someone put it in my mouth! It's in my mouth!' "I gave her five more bottles of water and she went into another shop to wash herself down." The young woman, who is believed to have been involved in a fight on a bus, was taken into a woman's hairdressing shop. Hairdresser Sabrina Belachew said: "The poor young woman came into my shop. She was in terrible pain She was screaming: 'I'm burning, I'm burning.' She was asking for scissors to cut her hair. "She said her attacker had sprayed something in her mouth and put something in her hair. I felt very sorry for her and worried for my own children. Everyone has to use the bus." In another video, firemen were seen hosing her down behind a screen on the street before she was taken to hospital.Teenage girl writhes in agony on shop floor screaming "Help me, IThe victim's sister gave an update on her sister. She said she is OK. "This is an issue. It's getting worse. I think she's ok. But how is this all going to stop?" the victim's sister said. Police said last night they were hunting a lone female suspect. The attack is being treated as grievous bodily harm and is believed to be targeted and not random, they added. Teenage girl writhes in agony on shop floor screaming "Help me, IA Scotland Yard spokesperson said: "The woman was treated at the scene as she got off the bus. She was then taken to a central London hospital for treatment. Her condition is not life changing or life threatening. She has no major burns. Enquiries continue to trace the single suspect involved, who is now believed to be female." Watch the video below.

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