Thursday 10 May 2018

Heartbroken girlfriend of Avicii slams trolls who blame her for the Swedish superstar DJ's death

Heartbroken girlfriend of Avicii slams trolls who blame her for the Swedish superstar DJAvicii's heartbroken girlfriend, Tereza Kacerova, has revealed how trolls have blamed her for the Swedish superstar's death. The Swedish star passed away on the 20th of April after taking his own life at the age of 28 in Muscat, Oman. In a lengthy statement posted to her Instagram, the Czech-born model and mother-of-one slammed back at the 'vultures' as she revealed she has been attacked with sickening messages about Avicii's death. She wrote: 'A lot of vultures stepped out of the shadows. 'You have accused me of 'exposing Tim' to get 'fame and money' while throwing every insult under the sun my way. 'This is the most horrible time of my life. I'm drowning in all-encompassing sadness.' She revealed she has suffered anxiety since Bergling's death and started abusing alcohol to calm her nervesHeartbroken girlfriend of Avicii slams trolls who blame her for the Swedish superstar DJAnxiety sets in about two hours before I open my eyes,' she wrote. 'I can't count the amount of times I've had a beer even before I brush my teeth, and I have to explain to Luka over and over that Tim can see him from the sky but he will never ever see Tim again. 'Yet all you are capable of is negativity. Sweet little comments like: 'Tim decided to check out because he was sick of you,' go beyond crossing all lines, and you should be ashamed of yourselves for being such vile creatures. Strong words for anonymous accounts.' She added: 'You think it's in ANY way acceptable to try and make this more painful for me than it already is? 'Tim would have wanted this, Tim would have wanted that…' First of all, you don't even have the right to call him Tim. 'Because as far as I know, Tim didn't know you exist. So sit down. He's Tim to me. To you he's Avicii. 'If you actually knew Tim, even in the SLIGHTEST, you would know he would be disgusted at your despicable behaviour. 'He would be appalled. You know nothing.' Revealing in another heartbreaking post on her Instagram five days after Bergling's death, the model who was planning to have a baby with Avicii after the DJ bonded with her son, said she has struggled to accept that her boyfriend has truly gone. She wrote: 'Dear Tim, ' 'I've spent the last days waiting to wake up, waiting for someone to tell me this is some sick joke, some awful mistake. I think it's finally settling on me now that I will truly never get to see you again.'Heartbroken girlfriend of Avicii slams trolls who blame her for the Swedish superstar DJIn her letter, she reminisces of their time together and speaks of their plans for their future. 'I used to tell you that Luka will never remember a life without you. Now I hope that he will remember his life WITH you. I'll be there to remind him. I'll show him.Heartbroken girlfriend of Avicii slams trolls who blame her for the Swedish superstar DJ 'Every time I think about something we won't finish I feel physical pain in my heart. 'We never finished the Harry Potter marathon - we had the last one left - you never witnessed me having a meltdown when Snape dies.I never finished persuading you that our daughter's name MUST be Serafina. 'You never finished your tattoo sleeve in which the inner forearm would have a face coincidentally resembling mine.'Heartbroken girlfriend of Avicii slams trolls who blame her for the Swedish superstar DJ

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